Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

This weekend we celebrated Halloween 3 times!! Bridget was a lion/Peter Pan, Kristen was a cheetah/Wendy, Christina was a giraffe/Tinker Belle, and I was a zebra/Captain Hook.
We made costumes to be jungle animals. Everyone thought we bought our costumes because we are that good at sewing. At least some of my extra zebra fabric from redecorating my room has gone to good use. Then we bought the Peter Pan themed outfits because there is no way we could have made those ourselves. We rented our the restaurant where Bridget works for Halloween night and it turned into a fun dance party. The other nights we just party hopped!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Puerto Rico

We went to el Puerto Rico bonito. It was like we were on a private island with how few people were there. We went hiking in the rainforest, shopping in Old San Juan, dining at nice restaurants (and getting stuck in ghettos trying to find not-so-nice restaurants)

Warding off Poison Oak

Whitney's boyfriend just so happened to contract poison oak two days before coming down to move apartments. Naturally, his new apartment wasn't ready when it was supposed to be and, naturally, he wasn't allowed in his old apartment, so, naturally, he had to stay in OURS. So we had run to Rite Aid real quick and take all the necessary precautions to ensure we didn't come into contact with the contagious creature. We seem to have survived.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jay Day's Going Away Party

Yesterday was Jay Day's cookout for his going away party. The Navy is sending him to Rhode Island and then Fresno, California, next week so we had a big final get together.

Monday, June 30, 2008

boat trip

we went to the boat for jay day's going away trip (he's leaving for the navy in two weeks)... it wasn't as eventful as last year (i.e. no one drank antifreeze) but it was still a blast! here's some pics

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So I visited Keeneland for the first time. I only bet 2 dollars and I lost both of them. I also got lots of blisters on my feet because nobody told me we would be standing the whole 4 hours.